Richard Blech: How to protect your business’ digital information

It’s not unusual for large, well-known businesses to have their information hacked or phished. Which goes to show that no matter how small or large your business is, it’s crucial to try and protect your business’ digital information. Richard Blech believes by implementing a variety of high-tech security solutions, which will ensure that the only individuals who are able to access your business’ information are those who have the proper clearance.
How to protect your business’ digital information:
1. Seek advice from trusted digital security experts
If your tech and security knowledge is somewhat limited, it’s well within your best interests to seek out valuable digital security advice, from industry leading experts. An example of whom is Richard Blech, who is the founder and the chief executive officer of Security Solutions, one of the country’s leading digital security companies.
2. Protect your company’s data by investing in an easy to use data encryption engine
In order to prevent individuals who shouldn’t have access to your company’s information from stealing your company’s sensitive information, it’s important that your company purchase a high-quality data encryption engine. An example of which is the ParaDoxBox which provides advanced encryption, that hackers won’t be able to solve and will allow you to encrypt any information which your business stores in a digital format.
ParaDoxBox happens to be one of Security Solutions’ number one encryption and data protection systems as it boasts an easy to use interface, which you’ll be able to use to manage the encryption of your data, without needing any coding or IT skills. Which means that you won’t have to rely on a third party to manage your business’ sensitive data.
If you’re interested, should you happen to invest in a ParaDoxBox all of your data will be conveniently stored either in a cloud, a network or in individual files.
3. Invest in a new multifactor authentication system
If one of your primary concerns in regards to digital security is to try and prevent your digital software, systems or databases from being accessed by third parties that don’t have clearance to access sensitive information, it’s highly recommended that you purchase a new multifactor authentication system. Which will make sure that the only individuals that are able to access your business’ digital information are the individuals who you choose to grant access to.
If you find that programs that only require users to input a username and password, don’t provide your business with a high enough level of security, it’s definitely worth investing in a high-quality system such as SUBROSA. Which happens to boast an unbeatable 5-factor authentication system, that is impossible to hack.
As an added bonus, SUBROSA will also prevent potential phishers and hackers from trying to access your business’ information from a digital device such as a tablet or a smartphone!
If your business’ digital security is of the utmost importance to your company, it’s definitely worth updating all of your company’s digital security solutions at your earliest convenience. In order for your business’ sensitive information to remain safe and secure!